Earlier in March-April 2023, two staff members, Mr. Edwin and Ms. Trupti attended a professional development program, ”_Visual Arts in the Library_” conducted by Bookworm, Goa. As part of the workshop, both participants experienced art activities which could be explored children. Sessions included observing nature around us, making comic strips, working with paints and story books and creating an illustrated poem. They then had the opportunity to facilitate these sessions children that was offered as a summer workshop at school.
No. of Children participated in each workshop/activity
● Comic making workshop – 12 students ‘4th std’
● Soil Exploration/Observation workshop – 11 students ‘5th std’
● Make your own accordion book workshop – 11 students ‘5th std’
Participants Art-work
Comic making activity

Soil Exploration/Observation

This activity really worked with participants. they really enjoyed it. A child from our workshop stated that “she comes to the garden with her parents once in a while to play. But this is the first time she observed the tiny things under her feet and she wants to do this activity once again.
Make your own accordion book

While introducing this activity to the participants we were able to see the reaction on their faces and they were so excited. A few children were shocked that they drew such a beautiful picture and came up with a poem. In the end of the session they requested to have one more session on arts with an exciting and fun activity.
Read more Stories from the School
When I heard that I’m going to participate in this workshop. I was so anxious and worried at the same time that how am i going to do it because the only thing i know is to draw a mountain, a sun, a lake and a house. But during the session the one thing which struck me was that art is something which cannot be judged by its texture or shape.. It is the feeling or emotion that you share in a piece of paper. And in the 3rd session I can’t believe that I came up with a poem. After the session I read that poem to
my neighbors and shared it with my relatives & Teachers. And that really bloomed happiness in my heart. “ – EDWIN “
From this session I came to know about one thing , that always words are not important . we can express our feelings, thinkings by art without words or by using very less words. It was a great opportunity to showcase my talents. Lots of ideas and materials to use The other Students were brilliant, their creative ideas were awesome It also facilitates a creative atmosphere. Without any prior intimation or unknowingly
we created a great art work which was unbelievable. “ – Trupti “