On 21st June 2018 International Yoga Day was celebrated in Sharon English High School. We celebrated this occasion with great gusto. The teachers had planned a range of events for all of us students across standards.
Std. VI students did something really fun and new this year as they organized a small rally in the school neighbourhood. Students and teachers carried carefully prepared placards bearing positive messages about yoga. Students walked through the streets near the school and shouted out slogans too.

Std. VII students participated in an essay writing competition. Student essays explored the topic of yoga in detail as they wrote about the importance of yoga, its benefits and ways in which is is practiced worldwide. Students of std. VIII participated in a drawing competition where everyone came up with interesting and motivational slogans on yoga.

To create an awareness about yoga, a professionally qualified yoga teacher Mrs. Sheila Natrajan was invited to give a talk on the ‘Importance of yoga’ to students of std. VII. She guided us on ways to improve our health by showing us some asanas like pranayam. The asanas she demonstrated will allow us to increase our concentration level and help us control our anger. The session was really well received by the students as it was interactive and participative. We could listen, do asanas and also ask questions. Students were really enthused and at the end of the session they shared their experience without inhibitions. Everyone felt really happy and relaxed at the end of the session.

All in all, it turned out to be a good day as we had fun, we learnt something new about yoga and we hope to use it to improve the quality of our health.
Ms. Ayesha Khan – VII A
Ms. Rajshree Patel – VII B