Conversations with our Alumni: From Sharon to NASA
Dr. Kartik Sheth is an alumnus of our school (Batch of 1987) who is a Program Scientist in the Science Mission Directorate as NASA Headquarters. On March 26, 2021, Dr. Sheth hosted an inspiring webinar for our students where he shared his amazing journey from Sharon to NASA. We were humbled and motivated listening to his awe-inspiring story.

From Sharon to Nasa
He works in the Astrophysics and Earth Science Division. His portfolio is varied from oversight of missions (James Webb Space Telescope, Origins Mission Concept Study, and previously Spitzer and SOFIA observatories), and research and analysis programs to overseeing the ingestion of biodiversity research into UN SDGs and managing a group of economists creating a framework for the value from earth observations for societal benefits. He chaired the SMD Anti-Racism Action group and is leading a variety of inclusion and diversity initiatives at NASA. Dr. Sheth is also the founder and president of the Empowered Earth Alliance, a non-profit that catalyzes development of sustainable solutions by empowering local leaders with problem solving skills.

Dr. Kartik Sheth
His talk left us feeling very proud of his achievements and as a community we wanted to pause and reflect on what his talk meant for us. Here is what some students and staff wrote back and shared with us.
All I understood in the webinar by Dr. Kartik Sheth was, where there is a will, there is a way. Dr. Kartik Sheth was very inspiring. One statement by him, has gone deep into my heart, – “Don’t chase success, chase passion.” This sentence makes me understand that if you chase your passion, success will be forced to come to you. I am thankful to Dr. Sheth, who joined us from the USA to tell us how he achieved his goal.
Nishra Mehta Std. VI

Path to Astrophysics
I really enjoyed attending the webinar by Dr. Sheth. It was wonderful and informative. I loved sir’s inspiring story about becoming a space scientist. Actually, I too want to become a scientist in the future… And now he has become my inspiration.
Vedanshi Trivedi Std. VI
Hi, Dr. Sheth. I knew that you studied at Sharon School, so I was very excited to see you and hear you talk about NASA. You spoke so nicely to us and you taught us many new things as well. As a Sharonite, I am so proud of your achievement! I would love to see you and meet you in person in school some time.
Mohammad Rashid Khan Std. VI
The webinar was very informative…so many points were covered. It gave a brief information about the universe. I was really glad to attend such a webinar. It gave the opportunity to the children of Sharon to meet and have a talk with alumnus of our school, Dr. Kartik Sheth who works as a program scientist at NASA. We got to know how he spent his childhood without television, refrigerators … I really can’t imagine a childhood spent like that! I really liked some of his learned lessons and which influenced him. I will be glad to repeat them here:
We got to know about 4 different telescopes through a video shown by Dr. Kartik Sheth. We also got a glimpse of the path for studying from college to becoming a successful scientist. Looking forward to more webinars.
Anuradha Patel Std. VIII
I discovered new things like the Black Hole and The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). I also got to know about the courses we need to study to become an Astrophysicist. And lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Kartik Seth for sharing his knowledge about so many things discovered in space.
Aabhas Brijeshkumar Dubey Std. VI
I felt really glad listening to Dr. Sheth. I felt proud that he was an alumnus of Sharon School. It was a really informative webinar where I learnt many new things. The most inspirational project was The James Webb Telescope which he is currently working on. I eagerly look forward to more such webinars.
Riya Gala Std. IX
Meeting an astrophysicist is very rare because it is one of the neglected positions when it comes to physics. I was very honoured to meet Dr. Sheth as he is a member of the Sharon family. He’s probably one of the greatest personalities I’ve ever met! His speech was motivating and the efforts he’s made and his work is simply colossal.
John Mathew Std. IX
Thanks to this seminar, my interest in astrophysics has grown. The idea, “chase passion, not success” evoked in me a feeling of achieving your dreams in life rather than achieving high degrees.
Vama Std. IX
It was a proud moment for me to witness such an inspirational webinar with Dr. Kartik Sheth and at the same time feel delighted to be a part of one the prestigious institutions which tries to develop different skills and qualities in children like discipline, respect and public speaking skills. My take away from his talk was that we must focus and chase our passions, opportunities will knock on our door. Do whatever makes you feel happy. I was struck by the fact that even after reaching such great heights he was still so humble.
Hetal Naidu Teacher, Secondary Section
I really liked the session taken by Dr. Kartik Even though I don’t want to be a scientist, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I would love to attend the webinar once again if conducted. I liked all the information he gave us about NASA and his life experiences from his childhood until now. Thank you for conducting the webinar.
Nivea Joisar Std. IX
In case you missed the webinar, you can watch the recording at the link below: