SHARON ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL organised a lecture on the topic “Waste Management & Urban Wildlife” for students of std VIII on 26th June 2018 at the school premises. Since all teachers began the academic year talking to students across grades about the dangers of using plastic and the need to look for alternatives, this talk gave students some deeper insights on the issue.
The guest speaker for the programme was Mr. Chinmay Joshi who is working as an ecopreneur – that is an ecological entrepreneur. The theme as prescribed by UNEP for this year “Beat the plastic pollution” was highlighted by Mr. Joshi. He presented innovative ways of managing waste in our homes. He also introduced organic waste converters which help us to convert wet garbage into fertilizers. With this, he also pointed to the harmful effects of using plastic and how can we replace them with sustainable alternatives. He insisted that students can change the world again instead of protecting themselves from it. On that note, students responded, “We definitely want to contribute to protect & save the environment as when we heal the environment we heal ourselves”.

At the end, students & teachers were so inspired that they took all stood up and took a pledge. We pledged that we will not use plastic & will not allow others to use plastic. We also pledged to love and nurture our environment.
Maher Madnani
Std. VIII Class Teacher