Date: 16 December 2022
Venue: Sharon English High School
Time slots: i) 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
ii) 3 pm to 5 pm

On the 16th of December, 2022, Sharon English High School held a ‘Knowledge and Skill Exhibition’. The event was organized by the teaching staff and students of the primary section. The exhibition aimed to display the comprehension and artistic capabilities of the students covering the subjects such as Mathematics, English, History, Science as well as Arts and Crafts. The school library was also a part of this event. The exhibition cordially invited all the students, parents, teaching, and non-teaching staff along with the management committee.

• The school premises covered during the exhibition were the ground floor along with the first and second floors. At the entry, the visitors were greeted by the beautiful and expressive creations of the dear students and teachers in the form of drawings and paintings thereby giving the visitors a glimpse of the organizers’ ingenuity, and the records of entry and exit of the visitors were recorded by a teaching staff member to avoid any sort of disorganization.

• Grade 3 was allotted the subject ‘Mathematics’; the teachers in charge were Mrs. Reena and Mrs. Reshma. Various topics were covered under the subject by promising minds ranging from basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to topics having complexity like currencies, measurements, abacus, etc. The exhibition included almost 18 mathematical models, both working and non-working with an aim to change the deep-rooted stereotypical image of mathematics being a boring subject. There were mathematical games that made use of matchsticks under the supervision of teachers which were appreciated by the audience and the participants. Students did not fail to make their enthusiasm reach the visitors which made the exhibition a lot more exciting.
• Mrs. Aarti, Mrs. Trupti, and Mrs. Manisha along with the combined efforts of diligent students organized a small creative section. Various arts were displayed and the students and teachers did not hold their
creativity back. Napkin bunny, newspaper articles, a matchbox sofa set, clay articles, coconut shell pen stand, paper plate masks, goggle decoration and many more were put on display. The innovativeness of the organizers amused the viewers.
• The ground floor classroom was utilized by grade 4 and the subject allotted to these young minds was ‘English’ under the guidance of Mrs. Vinaya and Mrs. Brazilia. The teachers in charge as well as the students quite innovatively made use of the space by displaying posters, charts, models, and quotes. A life-size Giraffe model was placed at the entry door giving a jocular message “When we learn, we grow tall!” Leaving no room for boredom, the organizers included a few games which entertained not only the students but the parents as well. The classroom was full of different grammar topics, story maps, and a corner dedicated to writing skills showcasing the ways in which a topic can be presented. A section called ‘The Poetree’ put on view the poems written by budding minds amazing the visitors. The students presented a small but entertaining act from the lesson ‘It’s only a matter of practice’ halting the play in the middle and leaving the spectators agog. The spectators, if interested in knowing the end of the story, would move further into the display room. A combination of wit and gusto was very well shown by the students.

• ‘Science’ and ‘History’ were the subjects assigned to grade 5 with Mrs. Anita and Mrs. Pranali being the teachers in charge. To make the subject of history riveting, the teachers and students made exciting models showcasing the various sources of history, processes indicating life on planet Earth, the evolution of mankind, and the advancement of humankind from shelters to village settlements. The visitors got a brief view of thousands of years’ worth of evolution on a single floor. The topics under the complex subject of science were exhibited in a way that made the spectators engrossed in viewing the vibrant models of the solar system, different types of landforms, the water cycle, water management, types of houses, various spices, etc. There were charts hung around the classroom giving detailed information about what a balanced diet includes, the constituents of food, and the ISRO’s Chandrayaan program.
The students conducted experiments showing what a microorganism is by making use of ‘chapati,’ they demonstrated the content of starch present in potatoes and performed experiments proving oil makes paper translucent. The experiments along with the models made a wondrous remark on the students as well as the parents. In addition to the models and experiments, the center of the class had a display of captivating craftworks indicating the inventiveness of not only the students but the teachers as well.

• The school library was no exception. Under the guidance of Mrs. Judith and Mst. Edwin, the students turned into young librarians for a day and explained the elements that make up the essence of a library for instance how the books are arranged in alphabetical order and according to the genres they belong to. The parents and teachers were invited to participate in a game that informed them about how the students borrow books which received praise from the visitors.

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• The organizers were ready to accept any kind of reviews suggested by the visitors which were dropped in small envelopes attached to the ground floor wall which could easily be availed by anyone. The exhibition received a lot of positive feedbacks, suggestions and advices, which the organizers were more than happy to receive.
The school principal Mrs. Annie Thomas madam, the management members Mrs. Jennifer and Mrs. Judith, the headmistress of the secondary section Mrs. Jayshree John madam, and the headmistress of the pre-primary section Mrs. Geeta Paul madam along with the teaching and non-teaching staff of all the
sections played an integral part in the exhibition. The headmistress of the primary section Mrs. Anita Mathew madam accompanied Mrs. Mini madam, the headmistress of Holy Angels Marthoma School, who graced the exhibition with her presence. The coordinated efforts of the school committee, the
teachers, the students, and the supportive parents, resulted in the exhibition turning out to be a true success thereby personifying the saying, “Teamwork makes the Dream work.” The day ended on a sweet note letting the organizers taste the sweet fruit that their hard work bore.
Prepared by:
Anita Singh
Class teacher, Grade 5 A
We Enjoyed alot mam…my son have a Great Future in Sharon English high school….kriyansh tiwari 2nd A….neelam tiwari…kriyansh mom….thank u so much mam for all this Expiriance….
It’s so good for all the secondary students to see their juniors doing a great job , this exhibition will definitely make students experienced , I thank all the students, teaching & non teaching staff and the headmistress of pre-primary and primary for organizing such a great exhibition , lastly I would like to thank Mrs. Anita Singh the class teacher of 5 A for writing such a wonderful blog to make all the other students aware of this exhibition who were not a part of it .