6 Thoughts to “Getting to know my Std. IX through self portraits”

  1. Anusha Ramanathan

    This is an amazing collation of what your students have done, but more, Jennifer, this is an awesome word portrait of the process of self-discovery you initiated for the class. The reader (alas! Less than your students) also learns the use of art appreciation for self-awareness and self-development.

    Amazingly done – the lesson and the blog 🙂 Kudos galore to both you and your Class IX of 2018.

    It takes guts and immense talent to lay yourself bare thus and to be able to delve so deeply into self and yet express so beautifully and comprehensibly such complex awareness.

    Viva Art! Viva Inclusiveness.

  2. Jennifer Thomas

    Thank you so much Anusha! I didn’t realize there was a comment here! Saw it just now when we’re updating the blogs this week 🙂 Please check it out!
    Really, thanks a lot for your kind and thoughtful words. I hope I’m able to keep the rhythm going with my class IX.

  3. Shabnam khan

    plz help i need to make a portrait on me but i am comfused what to make well i am a lover of books plz make a portrait on that for me plz plz plz

  4. Omkar

    This is wonderful exercise. I think you were able to design and facilitate it so well. I am amazed by your students thought process, expressions and art, impressive. Looking at their writings I think Frida’s story has brought their experiences of downs and challenges on surface.
    Impressed by their level of engagement. Good work Jennifer.

    Best wishes.

  5. Jennifer Thomas

    Thanks a lot, Omkar! Working with children really brings new insights to me every day…..they lose out on some originality when we restrict them to textbooks and “answers”.

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