A Book Review by Shreyas Patel : THE DOG WHO LOST HIS BARK, Genre: Non-fiction. Author is Eoin Colfer and wonderful illustrations by P. J. Lynch.

Once in a pet shop there was one mother dog and her puppies. One of them was named Dog (was changed by his owner later), he used to hide whenever the owner’s boot sounds used to come. But he never hid behind Biter (Biter was a puppy and you must have guessed the reason behind his name and also why dog never hid behind him). One by one all his brothers and sisters went. Only Biter & Dog were left.

One day his mother told Dog that, “Every dog has his own boy or girl who cares for him/her so there’s no point in hiding and being scared of them.” Dog felt lighthearted and fearless, so he stopped hiding from that day. One day the same boot sound came. Dog hopefully thought that this might be my boy or girl and then some people entered and picked up Biter first but Biter bit them so they left him down and chose Dog.
Dog happily thought “this is my boy” & was even excited to go out. But Dog soon realized that there was nothing to be happy about because his boy never treated him well,he used to poke fingers in Dog’s abdomen,teased him and the worst was that Dog had to live in a cold, dark and monster-containing room behind brooms! Will dogs find freedom from this hell? Will he be able to survive in this room? Will he get a better boy for himself?
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To find the answer read the book THE DOG WHO LOST HIS BARK (Genre: Non-fiction) by Eoin Colfer, an Irish author and formerly a primary school teacher. P. J. Lynch is the illustrator and he is a wonderful illustrator as you can see in these pictures.

While reading this book I experienced many emotions like sadness, surprise, and happiness. This book is a beautiful but heartbreaking book. I was surprised when I came to know what happened to the dog.I would recommend this book to you all for the lessons you will learn. This book presents a truth about a dog’s life, especially how dogs feel when they are abused or teased. This book will probably be liked by animal lover and the most by a dog lover. It would be a heartwarming read for them.

Written by Shreyas Patel, Std. 6
Supported by Anuradha Patel, Std. 10